
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Suwannee Roots Revival

JoLaine calling Roots Revival Contra Dance

Calling buddy Susie Rudder and I got to call at the Suwannee Roots Revival recently with a Florida favorite "The Dunehoppers."  I've come to love these kinds of dances.  The dancers will happily dance any dance I call.  No one is whining that there aren't enough neighbor swings, or the dances are too easy, or too hard, or whatever.  I wrote a simple square for the event that I call "The Suwannee Star."  Has it been written already?  Probably! 

Suwannee Star -
Gents to the Middle and Back to the Bar
Ladies to the Middle with a Left Hand Star
Turn that Star go all the way
Back to your Partner Allemande Right 
Go once and halfway more
Gents to the Middle with a Left Hand Star
Turn that Star go all the way
Scoop up your Partner, Star Promenade
Ladies Roll Back and Swing the Next
And Promenade to the Gents Home Place.

I called a simple break in the beginning, middle, and end.  This dance doesn't require you to know who your corner is, neither does it matter if you're a head or a side.  It could be made even simpler by not changing partners, just star promenade home and swing when you get there.

Other dances I called:  Monkey in the Middle, Haste to the Divorce, Galopede, Barrowdale Exchange, Lucky 7, etc.  I get to call another dance this weekend in McIntosh Florida for a group of teenagers.  FUN!